Insider Threat Training is a NISPOM requirement. You know how the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM) requires cleared defense contractors to attend required training events, but leaves all of the training to the FSO to design and present? Well we have developed required training webinars to deliver training to cleared employees. Now FSOs can refer the employees to this training to meet the intent and document training for the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA) reviews. We’ve done all of the hard work.
Insider Threat Training is a DCSA requirement. All cleared employees are to be trained.
This insider threat training will address current and potential threats in the work and personal environment and includes:
- The importance of detecting potential insider threats by cleared employees and reporting suspected activity to the insider threat program designee
- Methodologies of adversaries to recruit trusted insiders and collect classified information, in particular within IS
- Indicators of insider threat behavior, and procedures to report such behavior
- Counterintelligence and security reporting requirements, as applicable
- Assign employees to training
- Track progress
- Course certificate issued upon completion
- Add or delete cleared employees
- Required NISPOM Training Compliance
Insider Threat Training
1 year of access